Wednesday, June 14, 2006

EA Poe Poet

E.A. Poe: Poet
by Sandy Schairer

I used to love the poet
Edgar Allen Poe
The way he had his sounds
All lined up in a row
His clanging and banging
Of bells galore
And a raven who sat
On the top of his door
And when the clock chimed
Would say “Nevermore”
I thought his hard life
Made his talents more sharp
But his teenaged dead bride
Made his view sort of dark
A lot of his problem was
Drugging and drink
It drained his life’s blood
And beauty, I think
And now what’s a poet?
A silly old woman
Who sits with a pen
And tries to stay human
Are poems ever read?
It’s all mystery adventure
Like Da Vinci Code
And works of joint venture
So I'll bid Poe farewell
Go soak in the bath
And scatter some poems
On my own writing path.

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Anonymous said...


A Villanelle written for Lila


Jade Zimmer

Lila turned sixty-six on June 6, 2006.
Resigned to 66 on 666, she ASKED, “….do you get it?”
Instead of being spooked she threw a party.

With grace, “I’m inviting a few, who won’t stab me in the back.”
I didn’t remind her I wrote murder mysteries.
Lila turned sixty-six on June 6, 2006.

At Lila’s place we’re going to celebrate her birth.
Would she brace? I have a file: ‘HOW TO KILL PEOPLE.’
Instead of being spooked she threw a party.

Blind with faith did she ignore the sign?
Behind lace, her mind’s eye only had trust and optimism.
Lila turned sixty-six on June 6, 2006.

Kind of terrifying to face 66 on 666.
Mind over matter not to be scared out of ones wits.
Instead of being spooked she threw a party.

Blind faith, to celebrate 66 on 666.
Remind Lila to smudge her space.
Lila turned sixty-six on June 6, 2006.
Instead of being spooked she threw a party.

Doc 6..6..6

Sandy Schairer said...

Thanks, Jade, for posting your poem on my blog. It's good.
I am looking forward to reading your book of poems when it comes out!!! Let me know. Sandy